I made a typical rookie move, and I have been traveling for years. Both for work and privately. While on depositions in Barcelona, Spain, we had an off day, and decided to do some touristy things and visit the city. Since our hotel was right on the beach, we decided to take the subway into the city center. We bought our tickets, found the correct platform, and were on our way. While going through the turnstiles, I noticed this man attempting to cut in front of me right as I was inserting my ticket into the machine. Of course, this kind of caught me off guard. I then noticed a couple of children next to me making some noise. I failed to notice the adult woman behind me. Now my companions were also going through different turnstiles at the same time, but I was the only one with a crowd around me.

Well, the man stops trying to cut in front of me, I put my ticket in the machine and proceed on my way. When we met up to wait for the train, I saw the “family” walking the other direction away from the turnstiles. Co-Workers were asking me what had happened, and that was when I noticed that my wallet was missing. The rookie move was putting my wallet in the back pocket of my jeans. I had never done this before when traveling and I’m not sure why I did it this time.